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tepi topi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tepi topi"
  • tepi:    border; boundary; brink; edge; fringe; margin;
  • topi:    cap; hat; hats; hood; topi; topi, topee; topper;
  • topi:    cap; hat; hats; hood; topi; topi, topee; topper; headgear; tit for tat; chapeau; headdress; lid; coif; bonnet
  • tepi:    border; boundary; brink; edge; fringe; margin; side; verge; -side; edging; hem; lip; rim; brim; moulding; face; limit; periphery; waterside; coast; outer boundary; bank; molding; stem; outskirt; pro
  • angkat topi:    hat tip; toast; take one's hat off; wassail; drink; pledge; salute
  • gantungan topi:    hat rack
  • gat (topi):    gat (hat)
  • jepitan topi:    hatpin; redstem filaree; pin; needlefish
  • karakul (topi):    karakul (hat)
  • pabrik topi:    hat manufactory
  • pakai topi:    put on hat
  • pembuat topi:    hatter
  • pita topi:    hatband; alice band
  • rak topi:    hatrack
  • sangkutan topi:    hat tree
  • The brim of the hat is soft and fine, when you take off the hat can be the collar, when you put on the hat can be sheltered from the rain
    Tepi topi lembut dan halus, ketika Anda melepas topi bisa menjadi kerah, ketika Anda memakai topi dapat berlindung dari hujan